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Absentee Policy

Students with five (5) unexcused absences will be referred to the school's Attendance Committee for the development of an intervention plan.  Ten (10) unexcused absences will be referred to the Child and Family Services Agency for suspected educational neglect.  Fifteen (15) absences will result in a Court referral.  Valid absences include: illness of the student, death in the student's immediate family, exclusion, based on quarantine or expulsion, necessity of the student to attend legal proceedings, observance of religious holidays, temporary closing of the school.  Family vacation and travel are not excused absences.  For the absence to be recognized as excused, please send a note to the school explaining the reasons for the absence or use the click the button below to access the absence form.

Absence Permission Form
Formulario de Permiso de Ausencia

Thank you / Gracias / 谢谢

Reason for Absence/ Motivo de la ausencia/ 缺席的原因

District of Columbia Public Schools acceptable excused reasons are as follows: 

Justificaciones aceptables por las Escuelas Públicas del Distrito de Columbia:


  • Illness of the student / Enfermedad del estudiante / 生病

  • Student medical appointment / Citas médicas del estudiante/ 看病

  • Exclusion by direction of the authorities of the District of Columbia/Exclusión por indicación de las autoridades del Distrito de Columbia /

  • Death in the student's immediate family / Fallecimento de un familia inmediato del estudiante / 家庭成

  • Legal proceedings / Procedimientos legales / 法律诉讼

  • Religious holiday (please identify Holiday) / Dias festivos religiosos (por favor indique) / 宗教节日

  • Religious events or celebrations outside a religious holiday (up to five cumulative days in a year) /Eventos religiosos o celebraciones fuera de un feriado religioso (hasta cinco días acumulativos en un año) /

  • Absences to all students to visit their parent who is in the military, immediately before, during or after deployment/ Ausencias a todos los estudiantes para visitar a sus padres que están en el ejército, inmediatamente antes, durante o después del despliegue

  • School visits for students in K-8th grades (5th grader visiting a middle school before enrolling) ( up to one day)/ Visitas escolares para estudiantes en los grados K-8 (quinto grado visitando una escuela intermedia antes de inscribirse) (hasta un día)/ 

  • Take Our Children to Work Day/ Día de llevar a nuestros hijos al trabajo

Doctors' Notes/ Notas de Doctores/ 医生笔记

Got a doctor's note? After completing the form, above, send a scanned doctor's note here: A doctor's note is required after a student's fifth absence. 


¿Tienes una nota médica? Después de completar el formulario, arriba, envíe una nota de un médico escaneado aquí: thomsondcps@gmail.comSe requiere una nota del médico después de la quinta ausencia de un estudiante.


有医生的笔记? 完成上述表格后,请发送扫描的医生笔记:thomsondcps@gmail.com学生第五次缺席后需要医生的照会。

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